The staff at Top of The Hill Kennels have extensive training and are fully qualified to professionally groom your pets.
The best way to learn is to get your hands dirty.
Our groomers are trained right here at Top of the Hill Kennels. It's important to note that each staff member learns the same style of grooming and can reproduce the same clips. We are fortunate to have some very talented groomers among us.
Our services include:
Professional shampoos & conditioners only
Thinning of under wool & de-matting
Scissor cuts and clips
Special cuts of your choice
Ear cleaning
Toenail clipping
Grooming rates vary depending on what your pet needs; please call for pricing.
For the ultimate in convenience, have your dog groomed while staying with us. You may also call to schedule a separate appointment.
Before & After
"I have brought my dog to Top of the Hill twice for grooming and they have done a terrific job both times, I couldn't be happier."
Paul L., Georgia, VT
“I love taking my dogs to Top of the Hill! They love everyone there and they look amazing when I pick them up after a grooming! My babies also love staying there for a sleep over when I am out of town!! ❤️❤️❤️”